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Koanken Temple

Hon-machi 1
Temples & Shrines
Koanken Temple
North Area 1
Hon-machi 1

Koanken Temple was built in 1350 by Takayasu Togashi, and was dedicated to Sotetsu Meiho, the fourth chief priest of Daijoji Temple.
In 1915, during cultivation of the land said to be the burial mount of the founder of Daijoji Temple, Gikai Tettsu, a stone funerary urn filled with cremated sites was discovered in the ground. In 1927, the temple was reconstructed as the modern Koanken Temple, enshrining these sites. Interestingly, the location where the sites were discovered was within the former grounds of Sodemori Hachiman Shrine, a Shinto shrine dedicated to the protector deity of the former Arayoko street area in what is now Ara-machi and 1-chome, Hon-machi.