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South Area 2-1

Small Wooden Shrine

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Archaeological Materials Historical Materials
Small Wooden Shrine
South Area 2-1
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The small wooden shrine has a 1.25m-wide roof, 0.76m-wide main body, and stands 0.8m high with a lacquered pedestal. This precious small shrine was built at the end of the Edo Period (1603-1868). It was repaired along with the new establishment of Kusaka Hiyoshi Shrine in 2007. During repair work, a picture of a fox was found hidden inside the door.
The stone statue of the god of Sanno Gongen is 40cm high. According to the letters engraved on the side, it was created in 1751. The statue expresses the god of Sanno Gongen, an integration of mountain worship at Mt. Hiei, Shintoism and the Tendai Sect, in traditional ceremonial court dress. It is precious historical material that expresses the syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism.